Numeracy – Teachers – 7-12

7-9 Program of Studies

10-12 Program of Studies

Would You Rather Math

This website is made for students to choose a path and justify it with mathematics.

Open Middle

This website builds problem solvers. Open middle problems generally require a higher depth of knowledge than most problems that assess procedural and conceptual understanding.

Visual Patterns

This website is awesome for building an equation from visual patterns. If you are looking for great conversation starter around patterns this is the site for you.


This website has everything from problems to math games and blackline masters. LOTS of ideas that you can access. Focus on your program of studies to see where the ideas fit.

Starter of the Day

This website gives teachers a calendar of problems, games or activities that are short that can be used as a way to start off your math class.

Math Resources

This site meshes math literature with numeracy tasks that engage the learner.

Estimation 180

This site builds number sense through real life applications. Focusing on estimation and problem solving skills.


KenKen is an interactive problem solving puzzle that students complete using adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.

Wolfram Alpha

If you are looking for a site that compares mathematical data this is the one for you. Put the information into the search engine and there will be a lot of data and comparisons that helps students “see” math.

Brain POP

Brain POP is a website with linked videos and activities on various subjects. The Free site has been linked and the paid version offers many more options.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Various subjects are available.

K5 Math

This awesome site has free resources to access depending on what Strand you are looking into. Click on either Number, Geometry or Measurement and Data and you will be able to access the free resources. Make sure you use your program of studies as a guide because the grade-level materials are based out of the United States.

Which One Doesn't Belong?

This is Which One Doesn’t Belong?, a website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing which one doesn’t belong.

Graphing Stories

This website is all about graphing through a context students can relate to.


Illuminations works to serve teachers by increasing access to quality resources for teaching and learning mathematics, including interactive tools for students and instructional support for teachers.

Quest A+

This website is based on the Alberta Program of Studies. It has released PAT exams that teachers can use and students to practice problem solving questions.

Black Gold School Division

This amazing site offers supports which match the Alberta Program of Studies. Choose your grade level and start exploring!

Fraction Talks

Fraction Talks are a built around classroom talk and student action. Students have to define and defend their answers to their classmates and teacher.

Clothesline Math

This website uses ideas teachers can use with students with a number line.

Mathematics Blackline Masters Grade P to 9

This is a website that has many blackline masters to access to support students learning through visualization. Use these black line masters inside a report cover and they can be used over and over again!

K-9 Math Program of Studies

Math Talks for Slides

This site was created to fill a need for finding ready-to-use slides with engaging activities that can easily be copied and pasted in daily meeting slide decks. 

FNMI Professional Learning

Village Math

This site has a variety of traditional measurements and how to solve different problems.

Simon Fraser University

This site promotes mathematics among Indigenous learners. There are a series of stories with mathematical themes. These stories are based on the storytelling tradition of Indigenous peoples. The fact that all of the stories have been translated into several Indigenous languages is probably the biggest recognition that an author could hope for.

Deepening Knowledge - Resources for and about Aboriginal Education

Infusing Indigenous Content and Perspectives into math teaching. There are blogs, lesson plans and math games.

Aboriginal Perspectives

The indigenous perspectives web site contains information that will aid teachers in including indigenous perspectives in their lessons.