Numeracy – Students – 4-6

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Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Various subjects are available.

Math Games

Math Games is a suite of games and apps that links common core standards (United States) from the ECS to Grade 8 level.


Sumdog uses interactive math and reading activities to engage learners and compete with others around the world.

Brain POP

Brain POP is a website with linked videos and activities on various subjects. The Free site has been linked and the paid version offers many more options.


Prodigy is a free adaptive math game which allows users to work through different levels of math outcomes while piloting themselves through a simple role-playing quest.

Tang Math

This is a great site for students to visual and play with math concepts. Fun puzzles and interactive games students will enjoy on their device.

Sheppard Software

Sheppard Software is a collection of educational games and learning activities from the ECS to High School levels. No user accounts are needed.